TOA,ltd. has the career for 40 years or more as a special maker of a Medical Transformer and develops, manufactures and sells many kinds of Medical Transformer. Our company observes the RoHS restriction, does the certification of ISO9001:2008, .The core product acquires the UL standard and the IEC tandard Recently, our company acquired the Certification of the third edition (ed.3) of IEC60601-1 for the box type Medical Transformer. According to our market research, this Certification is first time in the Medical Transformer industries. And the shipment has begun in January, 2013 to the medical equipment market.. There are many adoption results to the overseas and domestic medical equipment maker as built-in transformer for PET, MRI, CT, and Ultrasonic Diagnostic Equipment. Moreover, there are abundant delivery results as an Isolation Stand-alone Transformer for various equipment used on the medical treatment site such as the operating room, ICU, and NICU. And, our CDF1 and CDF2,DF1 and DF2 series Medical Transformer have completed the Self-certification and Declaration of Conformity of the CE Mark (or the CE Marking).