Contact Us

Thank you indeed for visiting the Homepage of TOA DENSHI. When you have any questions for our products, please use following “Inquiry Form”. We will reply with mail as soon as confirming the content. It might take more time to answer according to the content of the inquiry. Moreover, we are not able to answer when we could not receive the customer’s eMail address correctly. When you don’t obtain our reply for a long time, please inquire again by Fax.


FAX +81-48-861-4827
Available from 8:15 to 17:30, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.


Before making your inquiry, please read the following.

By sending your personal data, you consent to the following. Use of your personal data for the purpose of responding to your inquiry(ies). Use of your personal data by TOA DENSHI group companies to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose indicated above. Please note…
You can request us at any time to disclose, correct or delete your personal data that are retained by us. You can withhold your personal data at your discretion, but doing so may prevent us from fully responding to your inquiriy(ies). Children under 16 years old are requested to make an inquiry only after receiving the consent of a parent or guardian. For inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, or during company holidays, we will reply on the earliest working day.


Company name*

Your name*

Country name


eMail address*

Content of your Inquiry

